Release of MoodleBox 2.6.1

MoodleBox 2.6.1 is based on Moodle 3.6.1, which fixes a bug found in the instant messaging of Moodle 3.6.

December 9, 2018

Version 2.6.1 of the MoodleBox disk image is released today.

  • This release provides Moodle version 3.6.1, which fixes a bug in the instant messaging of Moodle.
  • It uses PHP version 7.0 again. Version 7.1 of PHP complicates update operations, preventing the development of an automatic update script for the MoodleBox.


Version 2.6.0 of the MoodleBox image, released on December 3, 2018, cannot be automatically updated with the update script under development. We recommend that you use this version instead.

See the release notes on Github for all info about this release.