MoodleBox version 3.5.0 provides Moodle 3.8. It allows the activation of HTTPS and is based on the latest version of Raspbian.
November 18, 2019
Version 3.5.0 of the MoodleBox disk image was just released.
- This version provides Moodle version 3.8.
- It’s based on the last version of Raspbian Buster Lite, published on September 26, 2019.
- It is now possible to enable HTTPS for more secure connections between MoodleBox and client devices.
- A new version of the MoodleBox Plugin for Moodle fixes some bugs to improve usability.
- Captive portal software Nodogsplash is updated to its latest version.
- MathJax is updated to its latest version too.
See the release notes on Github for all info about this release.