MoodleBox™ along with the word Moodle and associated Moodle words and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Moodle Pty Ltd or its related affiliates. The term MoodleBox™ has been licensed to Nicolas Martignoni for use in association with IT hardware for free distribution to benefit the Moodle Community and is not intended to be offered as part of a Moodle paid professional service.
The idea of MoodleBox arose between january 2015 and spring 2016 in some forum discussions in the french community of Moodle, when discussing about the construction of a Moodle platform in a little box or on a local computer, to provide an LMS in regions without any network infrastructure. The idea quickly emerged to build it with a Raspberry Pi 3, and to make it accessible via Wi-Fi. Thanks to the perseverance of Christian Westphal, a first proof of concept was proposed.
MoodleBox is a volunteer and non-profit project lead by Nicolas Martignoni on his spare time.