MoodleBox is a standalone small and cheap mobile device working without Internet. It combines a wireless access point with a full featured Moodle server.

Connect the box to the Internet via a wired network (Ethernet) and in addition give learners access to the Internet.
MoodleBox is built around a mini-computer Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W, 3A+, 3B, 3B+, 4B, 400 or 5 and the Moodle learning environment, the most used open source LMS in the world.

Use cases
MoodleBox is used to enhance online learning and teaching:
- where infrastructure is non-existent or inadequate, for example in developing countries;
- where infrastructure has been destroyed, in the wake of war episodes or natural disasters;
- when existing infrastructure is not suitable for specific projects, for example when the Internet speed is not fast enough or when the platform provided is not adapted to the usage you need (no plugins, no customization possible, etc.);
- when it is sensible to provide learning activities offline, without Internet access.
It offers small groups (about 20-30 participants) the opportunity to work in a learning environment without the need for heavy setup.